Annalyn Jusay

August 25th, 2008

I will always be grateful to Ms. Annalyn Jusay for being the first blogger to help me out in promoting the book. I informed her about Mom’s A Stewardess and asked for her assistance in spreading the word about the book.

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Mulan and Your Reflection

August 23rd, 2008

Last August 16, 2008, Lorna Lopez of invited our family to watch Disney’s Mulan Jr. at Onstage Greenbelt. Knowing how much my daughter Ali liked Mulan 1 and 2, we were grateful to Lorna for her generosity (as always!).

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Finding An Editor For Your Book

August 16th, 2008

If you are a first-time writer for a book, it makes good sense to get an editor for your book. If you are the writer, chances are, you are too close to your work that you may think something is quite understandable when it is not; you may also not readily notice mistakes and typos since you know what to expect (you wrote the material and re-read it several times) and chances are, even if there were mistakes, you would still read it perfectly since you already have the words in your brain or in your head.

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On Prayer: A Letter to My Godchild by Phyllis Zagano

August 9th, 2008

Prayer is an important component of stewardship as a way of life. Imagine going through life without communicating with or listening to your closest relatives or friends. You’d probably go bonkers! That is why prayer must be part and parcel of the life of a steward or stewardess.

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Getting Endorsers For Your Book

August 2nd, 2008

Coming out with a book is not just a writing exercise, it is also a marketing exercise. Particularly if you are a first time, unknown author like me, you will need to convince people that they need to part with their money and with their precious time for them to be able to read your book. Why would they want to do that?

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How Are You Spending Your Dash?

July 27th, 2008

The Dash is an inspirational poem written by Linda Ellis. There’s a mini-movie (well not really a movie) made for the poem and this was shared with me by my boss at work.

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What’s A Good Length for A Book?

July 26th, 2008

Before I started to write my book, I asked my publisher what a good length for a book would be. They replied: 100-200 pages.

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The Three Most Important Lessons I Learned From Writing a Book

July 12th, 2008

Note: The Book Launch for Mom’s A Stewardess was held last July 9, 2008. Part of the program was a Message from the Author. I had meant to write out my message in full, but due to time constraints, I ended up just scribbling my main points and just speaking spontaneously from there. With this blog entry, I hope to document more completely, what I had intended to say:

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The Sound of a Baby’s Cry

June 28th, 2008

We were at the pediatrician’s clinic today as my daughter was scheduled to get a booster shot. Anyone who has been at the doctor’s knows that before it gets to be your turn, you will need to wait a bit, so there we were at the corridor, waiting for our doctor’s secretary to call us.

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Timetable for Writing a Book

June 27th, 2008

How long does it take to write a book? Long enough. Just kidding. I didn’t think writing or coming out with a book would be as fast as about 11 months, but in the case of Mom’s A Stewardess, that’s about how long it took.

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